When you think of dentures, you probably think of the older generation—but in reality, they could be a viable option for anyone who is missing teeth. However, please remember that dentures will require more upkeep than a few of your other options for replacing missing teeth. If you’re missing teeth, several tasks that once were simple could become difficult and... read more »
March is finally here and spring is officially on its way. If you are prone to the spring cleaning bug, you know the routine; sweeping out the old, refreshing what’s left, and welcoming the new. Spring is a time for letting fresh air in, as we ready for newer, vibrant energy and renewed vigor after the long winter’s hibernation. Don’t... read more »
As you probably know, your smile can lead to a great first impression or a disappointing one. For this reason—along with a variety of others—Americans spend millions of dollars every year on teeth whitening. Unfortunately, if you don’t care for your smile well after it is whitened, you could quickly find yourself unhappy with your results again. Luckily, there are... read more »