March is finally here and spring is officially on its way. If you are prone to the spring cleaning bug, you know the routine; sweeping out the old, refreshing what’s left, and welcoming the new. Spring is a time for letting fresh air in, as we ready for newer, vibrant energy and renewed vigor after the long winter’s hibernation. Don’t forget to include your dentist as part of this revitalizing routine!
Take Time for a Dental Checkup
To remove plaque and tartar–mineralized plaque–see your dentist every six months for cleanings which includes scaling and polishing your pearly whites. This procedure to remove hardened plaque is nearly impossible with just normal brushing or flossing, no matter how diligent. Tartar requires special dental tools to remove, and when this cleaning step is skipped, tartar can attack the gums and bring on gum disease.
A dental checkup will involve checking for cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and any other dental health issues that benefit with early treatment. Our dental team will clean your teeth of unwanted dental junk, just like you do when you are spring cleaning.
During your cleaning, we will scrub away plaque–the sticky film that bacteria grow in, tartar–which is hardened plaque, and oral debris from food, leaving you with smoother, cleaner, whiter teeth.
In addition to a thorough dental spring cleaning, you can spruce up your smile by the following:
- Floss: Because plaque builds up under the gums just like the surface of the teeth, you will want to remove it by flossing. Spring is an excellent time to make flossing part of your daily routine and avoid periodontal disease.
- Toothbrush: The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, sooner if the bristles are frayed. Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes.
- Quit smoking: Research shows that smokers lose more teeth than non-smokers. It also causes mouth cancer, so kick the smoking habit for a healthier mouth and a brighter smile.
- Hydrate: As the weather gets warmer, cool down with water, and if you like your soda, limit consumption and use a straw to avoid the acidic contact in your mouth.
- Sunblock: Use sunblock SPF15 (or higher) to stop an attack of cold sores, which are often triggered by sun exposure.
- Nutrition: To have healthier teeth and gums, incorporate a healthier diet–one that is rich in vitamins and minerals which helps to prevent gum disease.
If it is time for your spring cleaning, give our Shaia Dental Care team in Middleburg Heights, Ohio a call at 440-884-9898 and let us help you brighten your smile again!