A dental bridge may seem like a frightening procedure; however, the benefits greatly outweigh the costs. For example, a dental bridge is considered to be one of the quicker procedures for tooth replacement. A dental bridge will only take two or three visits to your dental office. Even though this may seem like a great reason to consider a dental... read more »
If you are one who has multiple questions about brushing your teeth, we are here to help you! Brushing can be a tricky and complicated task, but it’s time to uncomplicate it and properly brush. To help you do so, we happily provided the answers to the following tooth-brushing questions: What is the proper way to brush your teeth? The... read more »
As you probably know, your smile can lead to a great first impression or a disappointing one. For this reason—along with a variety of others—Americans spend millions of dollars every year on teeth whitening. Unfortunately, if you don’t care for your smile well after it is whitened, you could quickly find yourself unhappy with your results again. Luckily, there are... read more »
You know that brushing and flossing your teeth (and gums) is your most effective way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Another effective strategy is to apply dental sealants to the molars and premolars. Sealants are a relatively inexpensive and easy to apply--in one dental visit--protection for the biting surfaces of your back teeth. Sealants are a plastic-resin material... read more »
Did you know that there is something you can do to fight off canker sores? Of course canker sores aren’t a very serious problem, but they are incredibly annoying. Incidentally, your canker sore should heal within a week or two: if it doesn’t, we recommend visiting a dentist. They may be able to help you cope with the problem. Unfortunately... read more »
Do you ever struggle with flossing? While most people know that flossing is extremely important, some struggle with the process. Obviously, traditional floss is the most common and most frequently used type of floss, but some people still struggle with it. For example, some individuals have a hard time navigating the floss through their teeth or struggle to reach their... read more »
What is the best time to brush your teeth? Is there a best time, or does it make no difference? Should you brush before or after you eat? To help you answer questions like these, we’re happy to give you a few ideas. People typically prefer to brush their teeth right after they eat to remove the bacterium that causes... read more »
Your crown and the abutment anchoring it are designed and intended to be durable. With proper daily care your crown has the potential to provide you with years of durable function. At the same time there are a few factors like gum disease, receding gums or advanced decay that can influence the abutment, causing the crown to become loose or... read more »
If you crack your tooth, you probably know that you should visit a dentist. You probably also understand that it’s important to visit a dental office once every six months. Still, there are many lesser-known circumstances that you should make a dental visit for. To help you, we’re happy to list a few other ideas on why you should consider... read more »
Have you ever wondered so many toothbrushes are available? Do you wonder which type might be best for you and your family? Did you know that picking the right toothbrush can impact your oral health? To help you make choose well, we are happy to offer a few things to consider when you are purchasing your next toothbrush. How Will... read more »