Your toothpaste can help you achieve your smile goals. However, if you don’t use the right toothpaste, it can fail to produce the results you desire, especially because there are toothpaste brands that claim they are beneficial when they are not. To help you avoid using the wrong toothpaste, Dr. Anthony Shaia and our dental team have some tips for you!
The first tip we have is to search for the American Dental Association’s Seal of Approval on the toothpaste packaging. This label proves that the product is safe and effective for your smile and oral hygiene routine. The label should be on the front of the box.
The second tip we have for you is to choose a toothpaste that has fluoride. This is important because fluoride can nourish your smile and help it prevent cavities and tooth sensitivity. It’s recommended to brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day so your smile can remain healthy and strong.
The third tip we have for you is to select a toothpaste that caters to the needs of your smile. There are many different types of toothpaste that can help you have the smile you desire, like desensitizing and whitening toothpaste.
If you use our tips, you’ll be on your way toward selecting a safe and effective toothpaste in Middleburg Heights, Ohio. For more information and details about toothpaste or even just about oral hygiene, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dental team. All you need to do is dial 440-884-9898 and we will be here to help you!