Tartar buildup at the gum line and poor oral hygiene can develop into the advanced form of gum disease known as periodontitis. Without timely resolution the infection and subsequent inflammation can cause your gums to recede from your teeth. This often forms pockets in the gum tissue near the roots of your teeth. This will slowly cause a loss of material in the bones that anchor your teeth in your mouth.
One of the most common methods to resolve advanced periodontitis is a procedure known as gingival flap surgery.
The surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis and often required deep sedation. You will need to have a friend of family drive you. It would also be a good idea to arrange for someone to stay with you for a day or two while you get back on your feet.
Gingival flap surgery involves an oral surgeon making a small incision is made in the gums at the base of your teeth. This exposes the infected material, allowing it to be completely removed. Once the infection has been resolved, they will adapt some your health gum tissue over the base of your teeth. This restores some of the protection previously afforded by your gums and gives your body the opportunity to heal while reducing inflammation.
After the procedure they may prescribe antibiotics, pain killers or anti-inflammatory medication to help deal with pain or any lingering infection.
If you have gum disease, or receding gums and you are concerned that you might need a procedure to resolve it, please feel free to call us at 440-884-9898 to schedule an appointment.